Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Anybody out there?

Hello Ladies,
I haven't heard anything from anyone. Are you still exercising or are you sitting home and eating chocolates? It's Wednesday and I've just finished a 50 minute workout and feel great!! If you are tossing back and forth that notion of whether or not to exercise today, get up and do it. You'll feel better once you get movin'. Exercise endorphins - they feel grrrrrreat!!!!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Well, gals, I'm still working out, about every other day. I'm 163 lbs. by my scale today, but I jump from 159 to 164 every few days. I can't figure that out. I use the same scale, I weigh myself at the same time everyday... I guess I'm just that variable. I much prefer the 159 reading of my scales, but I average about 161. I'm using Core Secrets at least every other day, and I've started jumping rope 100 x's at different times during the day. I'm doing a cardio workout about once a week and going for a walk at least twice a week.
I can see a difference in my shape, but not my weight. Maybe I'll take my measurements and post them tomorrow. That may be more encouraging!

My biggest obstacle for losing weight is that I eat like a horse and I'm hungry all the time from breastfeeding. I also crave sugar like it's oxygen! Please pray for me that I'll be able to control myself around sweets better. I'm really trying to eat good snacks like carrots, snap peas, apples, or anyother fruit that I can get cheap.

I'm also trying to eat more whole foods. I'm cooking food from scratch, baking my own bread and trying to eat whole grain cereals like oatmeal for breakfast. I'm just doing that because I think that it's healthier. I'm not vegan, but I limit our dairy products and use just organic dairy. We are also experimenting with different types of ethnic foods. I've cooked several Indian dishes and I'm trying to find some great Thai food recipes so we don't have to haunt the restaurant down the road.

My new eating habits are not for weight loss so much, although that is a goal, but mostly because I don't want to die of cancer. I hope that eating fewer preservatives and more whole foods will increase our odds of not getting cancer someday. They say that if you really want to fight cancer, then you have to change your health habits when you're in your 20's and 30's because cancer is creeping up on us for decades before we actually get a positive test result from the Dr. Please keep me in prayer because I'm seeing the Dermatologist about a funny patch of skin I have on my arm. Hopefully he'll take it seriously and test it. I'm going to the Dr. next Tuesday, so please keep it in prayer. I'm really scared of getting skin cancer because both my mom and my grandfather almost died of it before the Drs. caught it. My risk is extremely high.

Anyways, I'm glad to hear that you're going to Curves, Mom and Lisa A! Keep it up, it sounds like you'll both be fit in a jiffy! Congratulations Lisa J. on surviving your "vacation!" Sometimes the flu can be a blessed jump start to our diets, but I'm sure it didn't feel like a blessing when you and the kiddos were sick. How's everybody now?

I'm really enjoying this blog and the accountability that you gals are giving me. I need the motivation! Don't give up on me, keep posting, exercising, etc...

Hell-o Girls.. I can now post to this spot, and give you my updates. Yesterday I posted twice, but they are somewhere in cyberspace.. and so far, we have no idea how to find or read them. I went to Curves on Monday with Wanda, she is a real sargent in keeping me focused, and in line. She has been a big help. She booked a cruise along Baja California for June, so she has lots of incentive to get in shape. So when I whimper that I didn't sleep good last night, she tells me "Well then, you need to go exercise so that you will have more energy!" or if I don't have gas in my car, she says, "fine, then I'll come pick you up." There is no excuse, good enough for Wanda. After we worked out on Monday, we went up to the Lodge, and worked out at the Finess Center. Wanda works there, and she gets to go for free. And she can take a friend. So, I walked on the treadmill for 10 minutes, and walked 2 miles, and then I rode the bicycle for 10min, and tried another machine, that I can't think of the name, but it was real hard. I should have stayed on it.. but I felt like it was about to throw me off any minute!! So, I am sure I burned off those Valentine cookies that I ate on Sunday!!! I hope. I only ate 2!!! But Tuesday, we were going to go back to Curves, because it was Valentines Day, and if we wore pink and red, we could earn 3 Curves dollars to spend on their clothes. But Wanda called and said that she has poison oak all over, and didn't want to get sweaty, or pass it on. So, I didn't go!!! Shame on me!! I need to learn to go by myself. Anyway, I got on the scales at Curves, and also at the Lodge, and both times it said that I lost 2 lbs. At home, my scales say that I lost 7 bls. So I'm thinking that my scales are off by 5 lbs. But, 2 lbs is a start in the right direction. So, I am happy for that. Well, I need to go, It's cold outside this morning, only 26 degrees, but the sun is shining, and I think I will go for a walk... So, I challenge you to go for a walk today, or find your exercise wherever it fits... Don't give up!!! WE CAN DO THIS!!! Love Mom.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

wine sleeveless taffeta dress with layered skirt, size 8 Posted by Picasa

cream and ivory 2-piece silk suit with short sleeves, size 10 Posted by Picasa

Strapless sage silk dress, size 8. Posted by Picasa

Rose-colored strapless dress, size 12. Posted by Picasa

Friday, February 10, 2006

Back from vacation!

Well, I'm back from my vacation, where I had the flu and food poisoning, and while I didn't lose the ten pounds I thought I deserved, I DID lose 5 1/2!!! Wow! I can't believe I lost that much, but I'm not going to complain! I know part of that is still being dehydrated. I can't believe I can lose that much water from my body and still produce enough milk for little Emmy. Drinking water still makes my stomach hurt, but I know how much I need it.

So my official weigh in for the second week of February is 141.5. I didn't "work out" per se, but I did do a lot of walking around at the flea markets, Busch Gardens, etc. But I still am looking forward to going back down to my gym in the mornings. Probably not until Monday, though!

Well, let's hear some updates from the rest of you! How are you doing?

Lisa J