Monday, January 16, 2006


Yep, it's Monday. And yes, I did get up early again (5:30) and head out in the 27 degree darkness to get my butt to the gym. And boy does my butt need it! I realized I had a few more measurements to do after I read Mom's post, so I measured my hips and bust. Whew! Not a pretty sight! So I'll repost my stats later...

This morning I stayed on the Stairmaster 4000 for 15 minutes instead of 5! Yea! I figured out how to slow it down a little so I can stay on long enough to work up a sweat and not just make my legs burn like crazy! The treadmill is still broken, but maybe by the time it's fixed I'll have legs like Jessica Simpson! And I can really feel the stomach exercises that I've been doing. After 2 babies, I can really feel how much core strength I've lost, and I think it will help my back a lot to regain that strength.

So here's my stats for 2nd week of January, 2006:
Lisa J:
Weight: 146 on gym scales
Height: 5'2"
Waist: 34
Bust: 41
Hips: 40
Thighs: 23.5
Arms: 10.5
Weight Lost: 0 lbs so far!

I got one of the dresses in the mail this weekend, and it was so exciting! It is pale green silk, very simple, but elegant. I tried it on (size 8) and there is no way I'm fitting into it for a while! But mostly that's because of my nursing-mommy boobs! But even so, it gave me something pretty and tangible to reach for, and that helped me get out of bed this morning! So, but the rest of you haven't said anything about preferences for these dresses. I'm still looking around, but you might end up with something you don't really like unless you tell me!

I've been thinking a lot about the reasons I want to lose weight and get in shape, and there are many, but it has taken me a long time to get rid of the wrong reasons that keep crowding my mind in order to better see the right reasons. At Weimar one of the reasons I was vegan and very restrictive with my diet was because it was a status symbol. The more restrictive you were with your diet (which was termed "being temperate") and the smaller your chest, the more righteous you were. Or I should say the more righteous you seemed. That was not a good reason to be vegan! This time around I want to do it for my health, I want my body to feel good to me, not just like a lump that carries out its basic functions.

So I got out my trusty Newstart cookbook and started thumbing through the pages. Do you all know what NEWSTART stands for?

N = Nutrition ~ The NEWSTART diet is plant-based, free of all animal products, and emphasizes whole, natural foods. It is naturally high in fiber, low in fat, and cholesterol-free.

E = Exercise ~ We are designed to be physically active. Regular exercise is very effective in combating many health problems, both physical and mental. It strengthens the immune system, improves circulation, and reduces stress.

W = Water ~ Our bodies are composed mostly of water and virtually every body function is dependent upon water. Six to eight glasses per day are recommended for the average person. Water on the outside of the body may be used to treat pain and infection, and is vital for cleansing the skin.

S = Sunshine ~ Sunlight is one of the healing agents of nature, and is necessary for strong bones. Just 15 minutes of sunlight can provide the daily requirement of Vitamin D. Moderation is the key, avoiding sunburn.

T = Temperance ~ Temperance is having a healthful balance in every area of life. It involves avoiding that which is harmful and moderation in that which is good.

A = Air ~ Air is the body's most frequently needed resource. Living in an environment where the air quality is good greatly enhances our ability to fight disease. Breathing deeply of fresh, outdoor air promotes good oxygen supply for the body cells.

R = Rest ~ With proper rest, productivity and disease resistance is increased. Rest is the great rejuvenator. We need quiet physical relaxation after active work, vigorous exercise after mental work, and deep restorative sleep.

T = Trust ~ Trust in God is the most important healing component in the NEWSTART Lifestyle Program. Stress, fear, and anxiety affect the chemistry and function of every body system. Becoming acquainted with and learning to trust the Creator God, enhances physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.

{Quoted from Weimar Institute's Newstart Lifestyle Cookbook}

Now, I don't know if I'm ready to go vegan, but I'd like to put more emphasis on learning to cook whole foods and following some better health principles than I have been. I know April has expressed desire for this, too, so maybe some or all of us can make some steps together in this area. I'm not trying to be pushy! I'm talking myself through this and into this as much as I am you, so just tell me if I need to back off!

Good Luck everyone with your fitness goals this week!

Oh, and a little sidenote: I put on my ring last night! After a while my finger started turning purple though... Guess I'll have to give it a few more weeks!

Lisa J


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