Thursday, January 19, 2006

One week!

Here's a picture of the gym I go to! LOL! I tried to post this through my other picture host and it ended up on my other blog! Ooops! I'm just glad I wasn't trying to post BEFORE pictures of me in a bathing suit!!!

Well, it has been a week now since we started this up. I went to the gym yesterday and stayed on the stairmaster for about 20 minutes! I have to tell myself it's okay to start out slow; this morning I was so tired but felt really guilty for the pizza we ate last night, so I was going to go to the gym anyway, but Colby reminded me not to push too hard too fast. So I slept for about 20 more minutes before my little girl woke me up anyway! Oh well, it was good to rest! Tomorrow I'll be back at it! It does feel really good to get my body moving again! I really miss being active like I was before I had kids.

I got myself a digital scale! It cost a little more than the 5 dollar one we have here already, but I'm sure it will be more accurate! And since I'm not going up to the gym at Kalkaska anymore, I didn't have a way to weigh myself. So we'll see what it says tomorrow, I'm going to take it with me to the gym in Rapid City. I think I'll do a weigh in every week, but only do measurements once a month or so, that way I'm more likely to see some actual change, instead of a hair here and a fraction there!

Sounds like you all are really enjoying Curves! I wouldn't mind joining myself, but since this gym is open to me for free I can't really pass it up! Keep me posted on how that is going for you all, and tell me about what activities you do - maybe I could do some on my own!

Lisa J.


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