Friday, January 20, 2006

I GAINED a pound?

Okay, something just isn't adding up here! I got up this morning and went to the gym, unpacked my new digital scales, stepped on.... and I weighed 147 ?!?!?! So, here's how this has gone for me. My home scales say 138. At my 6 week PP check-up, I weighed 143. At the gym in town their scales said 146. Now I get these and they say 147. Good Grief! This is depressing. All I can say is that they were all different scales. Hopefully this trend will STOP now that I will have one scale to compare with from week to week.

On the other hand, when I look in those mirrors at the gym, I think I look better than I did last week! LOL! Maybe it's just my mind playing tricks on me, but at least I perceive something as changing for the better!

I'll bet it was the pizza...

Lisa J.


At 9:23 AM, Blogger New Life From Above said...

Don't worry Lisa, it's probably just water weight. I yo yo all the time from it, especially when nursing. Keep drinking your water like you said, but stay away from salt like it's the bubonic plague. Salt is the enemy!!!!Down with SALT!!!! Sorry, got a tad caught up in the moment. Keep your chin up, you'll lose the weight soon enough.


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