Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Yea!!! GO APRIL!!!

Hey April,
Just want to say I'm proud of you! Keep it up! ...note to self... avoid salt like the plague...

Anyway, I would have gone to the gym yesterday morning like normal, but I'd been up all night with a toddler who had the flu. He was up every 20 minutes or so throwing up on me, the bed, himself, his pillows, etc. until about 4 am. So I got about 3 hrs sleep, and didn't feel like doing much of anything yesterday! Last night I went to bed at 8 and slept until 7! So I didn't hit the gym again this morning. I may go tomorrow, and I may not; we're leaving tomorrow afternoon for Florida! I know this trip isn't going to do much for my diet! Aaah! But I'm just going to try to eat healthy snacks and make good choices at fast food places. I am not looking forward to getting on the scales when I get back, and I haven't even left yet!

I am really looking forward to coming out west, but I still don't have the money issues worked out yet. We'll be in Indiana tomorrow night, so hopefully all their concerns and what nots will be talked out and Colby says if I need to I can buy my ticket while we're in Florida. So I'm looking forward to having a date to plan for coming out there!

I am keeping track of all our info in a spreadsheet, and so I'd like to have regular weigh ins (once a week) and measurements (once a month). So I need a weigh in from Lisa and Mom for this week. Also, I need Lisa's height. I guessed at 5'5" but I'm not sure. I went to this site: www.nhlbisupport.com/bmi/ and plugged in our numbers to find our BMIs. That was kind of depressing. I have to say, though, kudos to Lisa A for being the only one of us that fits into the "normal weight" range! The rest of us are officially "overweight". Yuck! That info probably couuld have been done without, huh? But let's just look at it as more motivation to do something about it!! At least no one is in the "obese" category, and good for us for making some healthy changes so we can keep it that way! I remember when I was in college my mind was so warped that I thought I was obese because my BMI wasn't quite in the "underweight" category where I thought it should be. Good grief! Now I'd just be glad to be back down in the normal weight range! LOL!

BTW, April's weight loss took her BMI down by .7!!!

How is everyone else doing?


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