Thursday, January 26, 2006

My Benefits of a Exercise Lifestyle

Hello Gals, thought that I'd share with you my success story. Yesterday was a gorgeous day in sunny So. Cal. and I had the choice: do housework and be a good domestic goddess OR go for a walk and enjoy the weather while it lasts. I chose to go for a walk and made it fun, so I didn't feel guilty for not doing my chores. Lissette and I got the stroller and went to Kmart. We parked there and walked the streets of downtown Tehachapi searching all the thrift stores and antique stores for treasures. Here's what we found: a dutch oven for cooking beans, a calendar of interesting Tehachapi facts (for Michael), a carrot rattle that Lissette loved (good propaganda for eating right), some scrapbooking stickers, a salt & pepper shaker set on a silver tray, and a Yosemite trivet. We also bought some violets for the springtime, which will be soon for Tehachapi. All this for $20 and a lot of leg action!

I really need a new camera, I wish that you girls were there with me! It was the funnest workout I've had in a while. I need to thank you gals for inspiring me to do this, because I thought of you and it motivated me to walk. I figured that if you could reach me you'd kick me in the shins for not going for a walk in such beautiful weather.

Lisa, just keep trying to get your exercise where you can while vacationing. Walk on the beach if you get a chance, for me... Also park out far and walk to stores, and other places, don't go for the closest parking space. Everylittle bit of exercise helps! And go to the grocery store and buy snacks for your trip. It's cheaper and healthier. I love to get any fresh fruit, and baby carrots. It's a good way to get fiber, which will fill you up and help move the fat from your bloodstream! Good luck, I'll be praying for you!


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